900_BOOK.ZIP 18,440 01-22-95 How to make a Million in 900#s and theInterNet. Free advertising is the key tomaking money with 900#, and a few otherpieces of information you will get in thisnew book by Lighthouse Productions.
AMGTI2.ZIP 15,685 01-30-95 A Mage's Guide to the Internet v2.0.
AMIB10.ZIP 234,261 03-08-95 Internet Book for Windows v1.0. Whether youare an Internet experienced user or just abeginner Internet Book is for you.
CH1INTIN.ZIP 5,319 03-06-95 Channel 1's Internet Services Info/Prices.
FTP9502.ZIP 359,560 02-24-95 FTP sitelist.
IA.ZIP 1,093,333 02-10-95 Internet Assistant for Windows. Add in forMicrosoft Word for Windows - functions asboth a Web browser and a means of creatingyour own HTTP documents and/or your own WWWHome Page.
IBYNET.ZIP 15,877 02-26-95 Using the internet without direct access agood text file lesson.
INADBK10.ZIP 348,845 03-17-95 The (Ultimate) Internet Address Book v1.0.Search the Internet offline, savingvaluable time and money. Search over 2,000Internet sites in the database withdescriptions and addresses, showing howthese sites can be reach
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INET23.ZIP 88,496 02-06-95 Inet 23 is a book about how to obtaininformation on the Internet and use it forprofit.
INETV2.ZIP 949,073 01-08-95 Internet-Connect v2.0. TCP/IP Networkingpackage for Windows users to accessInternet Supports PPP and SLIP/CSLIP andmuch more!
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INTRGRPS.ZIP 324,353 01-31-95 Internet Interest groups (mailing lists,NOT newsgroups) listing. 1/10/95. To join agroup, send email to the group coordinator.
IPERLS25.ZIP 33,468 03-08-95 World Wide Web Primer and URL Primer.
IPHONE06.ZIP 605,621 02-14-95 Internet phone demo from Vocal Tec, Inc.
ISR100A.ZIP 59,975 02-27-95 IServer Fido-UUCP tosser. Can toss mailfrom your Internet "JAM" areas directlyinto the netmail directories. No need forspecial editors. Looks just like a regularinternet area on your BBS!
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MARKETNG.ZIP 110,747 03-04-95 Marketing on the Internet - Sample Bookcompiled in Windows Help File format(Hypertext).
MODER46.ZIP 22,941 01-28-95 List of MSDOS FTP sites, their moderatorsand other useful information fordownloading.
N16E11B1.ZIP 38,424 03-09-95 Netscape Web Browser -Beta v1.1.
NET_FAX.ZIP 7,383 01-09-95 How to send a fax over the Internet bye-mail.
NN050B.ZIP 910,385 03-05-95 Nautnews v0.5 beta. On/Offlinereader/poster for usenet news, which runsunder Windows 3.1 or higher, communicatingwith an NNTP news host via a Winsockinterface to the internet.
RM_W1.ZIP 5,878 02-08-95 Roadmap for the Information SuperhighwayInternet training workshop.
RM_W2.ZIP 23,828 02-08-95 Roadmap for the Information SuperhighwayInternet training workshop.
RM_W3.ZIP 22,666 02-08-95 Roadmap for the Information SuperhighwayInternet training workshop.
RM_W4.ZIP 33,240 02-08-95 Roadmap for the Information SuperhighwayInternet training workshop.
RM_W5.ZIP 19,572 02-08-95 Roadmap for the Information SuperhighwayInternet training workshop.
RM_W6.ZIP 38,024 02-10-95 Roadmap for the Information SuperhighwayInternet training workshop.
SBI0395.ZIP 50,261 03-03-95 Guide to Select BBS's on the Internet.Comprehensive guide to BBS's accessible viaTELNET or RLOGIN on the Internet. 198 BBS'sfrom around the World!
SCOTT002.ZIP 238,879 02-04-95 Scott's Internet Hot List. Lists 3205 websites in 61 categories.
SNUP107.ZIP 251,165 03-01-95 Upgrade Slipknot to version 1.07.
STICKY08.ZIP 165,764 04-03-95 Sticky Notes v0.80 for Windows. Allowsusers using the Internet to send notes toeach other in real-time using a metaphor ofthose millions of bits of sticky yellowpapers.
TWTEACH.ZIP 91,310 03-16-95 The Beginner's Guide to the Internet" is afull-color, computer-based tutorial aboutthe Internet. It is complete, coveringemail, ftp, telnet, gopher, Archie,Veronica, WAIS, WWW, USENET newsgroups,BITNET listservs, IRC
WEBWIZ16.ZIP 169,773 02-09-95 Create WWW home page quick & easy.